Friday 29 June 2012

Thriving in a Connected World: CSAE Roundtable Takeaways

#1 NEW ROLE: Professional Associations exist to draw communities together by generating learning, sharing content and engaging membership around knowledge. Our digital age opens ups more peer to peer pathways for people to cross pollinate ideas, processes and best practices (such as LinkedIn, blogs and twitter feeds) so associations need to proactively act to maintain this “centre of influence.” They have a new role to play; to be the CURATORS of AUTHORITATIVE CONTENT and be the key connectors for conversation and career development for their industry.

#2 CONTENT  IS KING: Content Marketing is the new way to advertise and promote association value. Corporate companies are now hiring full time content marketers to develop white papers, generate case studies and blog about products and services with the goal of creating content and resources that their clients will find valuable. An Associations journals, seminar material, publications, AGM and Conferences are a goldmine of content from industry leaders that can easily be RE-PURPOSED and RE-USED and sent out  in a multitude of different ways in order to engage attendees and energize non-attendees, to attract new members and even possibly generate non-due revenues and new sponsorship opportunities.

#3 MULTI FORMAT: Providing key content in a variety of formats and across many channels gives an association the best chance of reaching their audience in all 5 generational groups and ensuring that stakeholders are reached in the way they want and when. In addition, Associations have to be proactive in marketing and banding to continue to attract members and maintain engagement and relevancy. Once content is exposed to the internet, not only will it fulfill the original educational mission but can also be used to drive revenue, attract new membership and improve member satisfaction.

#4  ACCESSIBLE: Online content needs to be SEARCHABLE and RELEVANT and members/users must be able to find the specific answers they seek in as little time as possible so having a robust full-text search engine with “relevancy ranked results” is a necessary first step. Web attention spans are very short so it is important not to waste time. Users need to filter search results using key words to make online searching fast, powerful and intuitive. This data is called METADATA and includes such search options as: author name, subjects or track, document type, event, date, key words, and linked in related articles and resources.

#5 TOOLS: Social and Digital  media is one of the MOST powerful marketing opportunities ever invented and can serve to generate more interest in and visibility for organizations well beyond their member lists. “SHARING WIDGETS” for major social media networks such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and email should be built in to generated content formats make it easy for people to share content to their network of friends, colleagues and followers. This content is often more trusted coming from colleagues and friends and has a better chance of persuading or informing your target audience.  Managing social media from Hootsuite dashboard makes sending out and managing relevant broadcasts easy and programmable.

#6 MANAGING ACCESS:  WHO will have access, for HOW long, and in WHAT formats? There is no right answer because it will vary based on the type and specific objectives of the association and of the individual content. The first question needs to be asked is how you want to serve up the content, Text or video, through a portal or your website, will you provide access by subscription or via downloadable file, or both? How long will people have access to the content? Will you give some content away, while charging for other content?

#7 REVENUE GENERATION: The organization has access to and has already paid for the speakers, the professional development and programming so just by marketing and sharing it with the 70% or so of your membership, you can continue to make this content work for 365 days. A Virtual Pass to a hybrid meeting design is one possibility; Recent examples from WEC at $250 and GMIC $45 up to 40% of attendee cost.  An al la carte option might work on a “click for pay” option which can easily be imbedded into a portal/site to have a charge option for each download (video or summary text). The “pay here” button could either be linked to a third party firm or via Paypal for channeled directly to an online merchant account. It can be as simple as FREE for members and a nominal charge or FEE for non-members ($100). Full or partial segmented content with categories including Member/attendee, Member/non attendee, Non Member/all content and Non Member/Block Content. Other industries may be interested in some but not all  key content. A NESTED approach seems to work best with “appetizer” content for free that gives the potential members an opportunity to preview and be enticed.  When considering how to monetize content, don’t underestimate the value to your sponsors, exhibitors and partners! Many are likely be VERY interested in a longer lifecycle for their sponsorship dollars and will be pleased by the greater visibility and reach and will be willing to increase sponsorship levels for this privilege. Example Twin Cities 2010 – post conference content generated 69,000 page views in 3 months.

#8 EXTEND REACH AND INFLUENCE: By expanding the ways your members can interact, view, share, search and consume educational content and by integrating the learning with 365 days in the year, aligning formats with your messaging will serve to extending both reach and impact. The nature of how individuals get our news (actively rather than passively), how we are educated (distance learning & webinars), how we consume information (our new demanding expectations) and how we are connecting (FaceBook, Pinterest, go to meeting, LinkedIn and Google hangouts and Skype) is changing rapidly, and associations need to take notice. If they can initiate these conversations, while raising awareness and increasing value to members, advocates and partners -they will see that “content” is a key component to future growth and prosperity.

List of Some Resources:
Best Social Media Sites: LinkedIn (groups), Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest,, youtube
Other Cool Tools: Skype, Google hangouts, Basecamp, Highrise, Flickr
Analytics: Alexa rating (of website), Google+, Hootsuite, Klout
Digital Media Dashboard: Hootsuite, Tweetdeck
Twitter Hashtags: #eventtable #csaeog #CSAE #assnchat #executiveoasis
Mobile Event Apps: Crowd, Event Mobie, EventPilot, Top, twoppv
OnLine Communities: One Lobby
Synthesis Content Capture and Strategic Communications: The Conference Publishers
Webcasting: MediaSite, MaxDigital
Website and Registration Solutions:  DESystems, Cvent, CheckIn, streampoint
Event Management Software: Cvent, Task Rabbit,  DESystems
Presentation Management: Present Now, Preseria
Speakers: CAP
QRCodes: ShareSquare
3.    Fee or Free: Blog -

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